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5 Employee Engagement activities & ideas in 2023

5 Employee Engagement activities & ideas in 2023

What is meant by employee engagement activities?

Employee engagement activities

Employee engagement activities mean the level of emotional and intellectual commitment an employee has towards their work, organization, and its goals. By implementing employee engagement activities, companies can make employees feel connected to their job. This can also boost motivation, to contribute to the success of their company. They are willing to go above and beyond their job responsibilities to achieve the organization’s objectives.

What does an engaged employee look like?

First thing to remember is, an engaged employee is enthusiastic, dedicated, and passionate about their work. This can result in improved productivity, job satisfaction, and retention rates. Engaged employees tend to have higher levels of job involvement and loyalty to their organization, leading to better organizational performance and profitability. 

Healthy workplace culture

By creating a healthy work culture, employers can give themselves the best start for keeping happy staff. Consider implementing meaningful incentives for your entire team. Consider value based employee recognition, employee performance rewards, ice breakers for a new employee, and other options. Your team as whole, old or new, should be inclusively involved in these employee engagement activities.

On the other hand, employee engagement is a critical factor in organizational success. Employers often take steps to improve employee engagement through various strategies such as communication, recognition and rewards, career development, and creating a positive work environment. In this blog, we have put together some of our best employee engagement activities, that will give you some ideas for team engagement activities:

What is a good example of employee engagement?

A good example of employee engagement is when employees actively participate in company activities and initiatives, such as volunteering, social events, and training programs. For instance, suppose an organization organizes a charity event, and employees enthusiastically participate by volunteering their time and resources to support the cause. In that case, it demonstrates their commitment to the company’s values and their desire to make a positive impact beyond their regular job responsibilities. Encourage your team members to take part in regular employee engagement activity.

Another example of employee engagement is when employees feel empowered to make decisions that impact their work. Encourage them to share ideas. Encourage them to make suggestions for improving processes or solve problems. When employees feel that their opinions are valued and that they have a say in decision-making, they tend to be more invested in their work. In both cases, employees are committed to their work and take ownership of their responsibilities, resulting in increased job satisfaction, productivity, and long term loyalty to the organization. By prioritizing your employee engagement strategy, you can enhance the overall experience for your employees. Recognize the disengaged employees and consider effective practices to measure employee engagement.

Employee Engagement Activities

Employee engagement activities are initiatives taken by an organization to encourage employee participation, increase job satisfaction, promote a positive work culture, and improve the overall employee experience. Encourage employees to socialize and participate in these activities, so you can increase team connection, driving business growth. Here are some popular employee engagement activities you can get involved in, to help you create and sustain an engaged workforce:

Engage employees

Engage employees by starting with the basics. Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work, achievements, and contributions can boost morale and motivation. It can be as simple as a shout-out in a team meeting or as elaborate as an annual awards ceremony. By recognizing your employees, you are demonstrating not only a welcoming culture but also instilling a sense of confidence and autonomy in your employees. Consider implementing regular employee engagement activities to your monthly schedule. 

Professional Development

Providing opportunities for employees to enhance their skills, knowledge, and career growth can show that the organization values their personal and professional growth. This can include training programs, mentoring and coaching. In your employee engagement strategy, you may want to go one step further by customizing your professional development programmes to each employee. For example, if you have an employee who’s sole role is developing websites, you may assist that member with learning programmes for this particular role. Rather than a tick the box, blanket exercise that just covers the basics ‘web development’.

Employee Wellness Programs

Another employee engagement idea is promoting employee wellness through activities such as fitness challenges, healthy eating campaigns, and mental health support can improve employee well-being and job satisfaction. Consider getting your members to participate in a feedback session, to further understand what initiatives worked and what didn’t.  This employee engagement program is known to work well, and can have positive benefits for many employees. In order to retain employees, companies must invest in these employee engagement activities.

Employee Engagement Activities

Organizing employee engagement activities such as team outings, sport events, or community service projects can foster a sense of camaraderie, collaboration, and teamwork. You may consider taking part in meaningful team building activities that can align with company values. Why not do something worthwhile like organizing a charity event where your team can take part at a soup kitchen, or you may consider taking part in a charity walk. When it comes to employee engagement, there are many employee engagement activities you can use to help employees feel engaged. You can inspire employees by encouraging these employee engagement activities, which demonstrates a healthy company culture.

Social Events

Organizing social events such as holiday parties, game nights or even community drinks can provide employees with opportunities to bond and build meaningful relationships outside of work hours. By creating these social focused environments for your employees outside of work hours, you are fostering connection, team building and boosting morale throughout your company. All things considered, it is important that employees feel wanted and appreciated in an organization. By encouraging team members to participate in these employee engagement ideas, you can reap the rewards in employee retention, job satisfaction, employee morale, and most importantly, ensure your employees feel valued.

Feedback and Communication

Encouraging employees to provide regular feedback and communication can create a culture of openness and trust. This can include regular one-on-one meetings, employee surveys, and suggestion boxes. Gather employee feedback and prioritize employee wellbeing. This can be extremely helpful to implement these procedures throughout the year, giving employees an opportunity to engage with management on this level. By implementing these tips and other employee engagement activities, organizations can create a positive work culture from employee feedback that fosters employee engagement, motivation, and can boost employee engagement .

It goes without saying that the expectation of employee engagement is higher now than ever before. Employees expect a lot more from their companies these days than just a desk and a laptop. In the new age of work, the employees expect effort from employers, towards employee engagement activities and a healthy work culture. Prioritizing wellbeing and open communication in the workplace will benefit employers massively in the long run, and can in turn, benefit your business as a whole. Employers should be aware of this current landscape, and make it their priority to produce effective employee engagement activities for both them and their employees.

Why is employee engagement important?

Employee engagement is important for many reasons. Here are some of the key benefits of having employee engagement strategies:

Better Productivity

Engaged employees tend to be more focused, motivated, and committed to their work. As a result, they are more productive and efficient, leading to higher levels of output and better overall performance. When employees are productive, their attitudes and behaviors can be contagious within a team. They may even get recognition from their fellow team members. All employees, in fact, are aware when management notices this. Consider recognizing and commending your productive employees. This in turn, can make your team feel appreciated and motivate other members to action the same behaviors.

Company Culture

If your employees are engaged, they are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the organization they work for. They tend to feel valued, appreciated, and supported, which can lead to higher levels of loyalty and lower turnover rates. Company culture is important for many reasons, and employee engagement activities play a big part in keeping team members engaged, and happy.

Better Customer Service

Engaged employees are more likely to provide better customer service. They tend to be more responsive, empathetic, and helpful to customers, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Innovation and Creativity

Engaged employees are innovative and creative in their work. They may have a higher sense of ownership and are more willing to take risks, which can lead to new ideas and solutions for your business.

Improved Financial Performance

Engage workers, and you can lead to improved financial performance for an organization. Studies have shown that companies with high levels of employee engagement tend to have higher revenue, profitability, and shareholder returns.

Employee engagement is absolutely essential for creating a positive work culture that fosters employee satisfaction, motivation, and productivity. By investing in employee engagement initiatives, organizations can create a work environment that attracts and most importantly retains top talent, leading to long-term success. 

What are the 4 essential components of employee engagement?

There are several models and frameworks for understanding employee engagement as a whole, but one commonly accepted model is the four-component model developed by William Kahn. The four essential components of employee engagement according to this model are:


This refers to the degree to which an employee finds their work meaningful and purposeful. When employees feel that their work is meaningful, they tend to be more engaged, committed, and motivated. There is nothing more detrimental to a business than an unmotivated workforce. Employee engagement on this particular topic can be beneficial for companies looking to motivate and encourage their employees. By obtaining employee feedback, companies can consistently work towards a better culture for all involved.

2. Safety

This refers to the level of psychological safety an employee feels in the workplace. When employees feel safe to express themselves, take risks, and make mistakes without fear of negative consequences, they tend to be more engaged and willing to contribute to the bigger picture. When it comes to safety, it can be extremely useful to implement some memorable employee engagement ideas. Prioritize these particular activities and gather employee feedback. By making these particular events memorable and creative, your employees are more likely to remember details of this day, for some time after. Even the most engaged employees will benefit from these types of activities.


This refers to the level of resources and support available to employees to perform their job effectively. When employees have the necessary tools, training, and support to perform their job, they become more engaged and productive. Employee engagement is particularly important for this component, as employees should feel that they can be open and heard, in this particular case.


In this case, energy refers to the level of enthusiasm an employee brings to their work. When employees feel energized and passionate about their work, they tend to be more engaged and committed to achieving their goals. Passionate employees can in turn, motivate their colleagues and boost overall team morale. Fun employee engagement activities will create good energy in the workspace, promoting enthusiasm! Consider implementing this into your employee engagement strategy.

How does having an engaged workforce drive growth?

By getting employees involved and keeping employees engaged, companies can improve their overall employee morale, employee retention, engage employees (even remote employees) and easily implement fun employee engagement activities. This works well for new employees in particular, as new employees are usually the most engaged employees. Employee engagement activities can drive growth for an organization in several ways:


If your employees are engaged, they can tend to be more productive, efficient, and focused on their work. They are more likely to go above and beyond their job requirements, leading to higher levels of output and better overall performance. Consider relevant topics for your employee engagement idea, to enhance the overall employee experience.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Engage employees to provide better customer service. They are more responsive, empathetic, and helpful to customers, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty towards your brand.

Innovation and Creativity

Engage employees so that they can be innovative and creative in their work. They tend to have a higher sense of ownership and are more willing to take risks, leading to new ideas and solutions that can drive growth and competitive advantage. By allowing autonomy, your employees can feel motivated, respected, and driven to achieve their goals.

Lower Turnover Rates

By the same token, engaged employees tend to be more satisfied with their job and the organization they work for. They are more likely to stay with the organization for the long term, leading to lower turnover rates and reduced costs associated with hiring and training new employees. Some people consider workplace culture and open communication policies to be part of a ‘package’ when choosing companies these days. People expect more from employers than just a place to show up and work. Companies know this, and are consistently committed to looking for new ways in which company culture can come into play. Employee engagement is crucial for a team to work together cohesively, and effectively.

Improved Financial Performance

Furthermore, engaged employees can lead to improved financial performance for an organization. Studies have shown that companies with high levels of employee engagement tend to have higher revenue, profitability, and shareholder returns.

By creating a culture of employee engagement, organizations can attract and retain top talent. Your team can tend to be more committed to the organization’s goals and values. This leads to a shared sense of purpose and a collective effort towards achieving success. 

What is the best strategy for improving employee engagement?

Improving employee engagement is essential for any organization that wants to increase productivity, retain top talent, and create a positive work environment. Here are some strategies that can help improve employee engagement:

Communicate Effectively

Communication is a vital factor in creating effective engagement. Regularly communicate with employees about company goals, updates, and progress. Encourage employees to provide feedback, and actively listen to their opinions and concerns. This can help with the overall employee experience, encouraging employees and other employees to communicate openly. When this is regularly suggested, it can create a recurring safe space for employees to communicate their concerns, if they wish to do so.

Growth Opportunities

Employees want to feel that their skills and knowledge are valued within a company. Regularly offer opportunities for employee engagement, professional development, training, and advancement within the company. This investment can benefit both of you, and can help reduce turnover.


Boost employee engagement by actively rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements. For instance, implement a rewards and recognition program to incentivize employees to perform at their best. Go the extra mile and create competitive incentives like a company trophy for the top performer or bonus schemes, encouraging all employees to take part. In addition, this is a cohesive way of recognition for your hard working employees. It also creates a bit of fun surrounding that recognition of hard work. 

Foster Positivity

A positive work environment can significantly impact engagement. Engage employees and encourage teamwork, celebrate accomplishments, and maintain a healthy work-life balance, even in your conversations in the workplace. It is important to recognise that even employers are people too! Get to know your colleagues and promote a social and safe environment for all who work there.

Prioritize Well-being

Provide resources and support for employees’ physical and mental well-being. Offer flexible work arrangements, including remote work options, promote work-life balance and have regular check-ins with your team to ensure your members feel heard, respected and appreciated in their company.  

Lead By Example

Top management should recognize the importance of modeling the behavior  they want to see in their employees. Management plays a crucial role not only in overseeing procedures that generate revenue and growth, but also in the way in which the company operates internally. Be transparent, communicate effectively, and prioritize employee satisfaction. By implementing these strategies, you can create a culture of engagement that promotes productivity, satisfaction, and most importantly retention of top talent.

Engage Your Workforce At United Co. 

Boost employee engagement activities by working in our shared workspace at United Co.

We foster employee engagement, productivity, creativity and collaboration. Implement these employee engagement ideas to enhance your workforce at United Co. and create a positive and productive work environment for your employees and your business. 

Get in touch today to learn more about growing your business at United Co.